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Memorial Candle with personalised label and ribbon detail.

Memorial Candles are a meaningful and symbolic way to remember loved ones who have passed on. Personalise a memorial candle with the details to represent and remember cherished and never-forgotten loved ones.


Inspire Me Candles create beautiful memorial candles that add to the love and intimacy of these important events. Just select from one of our designs and input your personalised requirements (or send us your own custom design) and we will send them to you in time for the memorial.

This candle size is 14cm x 7cm

Our Remembrance candles are personalised and details will be collected on checkout - Please complete details.

Once we have your order, we will send you a digital proof for approval within 3 days of purchase. We can express the order for overnight delivery at an additional charge - Please make this request if required.

You can change the theme of the candle, and if have something in mind, we can design a candle to your personal details. Please email us your requests to

Please note, text and images are not directly printed on the candle they are created on transparent film and firmly attached to the candle for better preservation.

Modern Memorial Candle, Pillar Candle, Remembrance

  • Name & Date required

    Do you have a special message? or image required?

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